Some information about your computer hardware and software is collected by us. This
information can include without limitation your IP address, browser type, domain
names, access times and referring Web site addresses, but is not shared with any
third parties. We use the information to help troubleshoot errors, to insure compatibility
with new browser software versions and to track effectiveness of our online advertising
The only information we require for a JOBehaviors account is a valid email address
and your full name. If you choose to make any of your self-assessment results public,
you will need to provide contact information for propsective employers or training
institutions to reach you. That contact information is only available to these partners.
We do not offer your contact information to any other parties except for our partners
that have accounts in the system.
When you use our referral service to tell a friend about JOBehaviors, we ask for
that friend's email address in order to send the referral. That friend's email is
not made available to any third party and we do not contact that friend ourselves
after the referral email, unless they choose to signup for an account.